About Cheer Up, Emo Kid

Cheer Up, Emo Kid started in 2008 as an amateur comic about relationships and events in my life, and has since graduated into a professional amateur comic about relationships and events in my life. It loosely follows the non-adventures of Zeke & Frank, two friends constantly at odds with each other in their attitudes towards relationships; and their friends Steve & Sue, an extraordinarily ordinary couple just going through the motions of monogamy.

The comic has gone through several distinct stylistic changes because for the longest time I had trouble deciding the tone, the subject matter, and the look & feel of the comic. You may wonder, for example, why there is a mix between characters with no features (who are in all likelihood extremely naked) and characters with hair, clothes, and other accessories. I have no reasonable explanation for this other than, I was young and reckless, please forgive me.

I hope you enjoy this crudely drawn peek into the last decade of my life!

- Enzo

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