He is remembering his past and trying to show the trouble he went through to learn to read. If you have followed the story and can comprehend what you have read, and it’s intended moral purpose it’s very well written and if not you’re a republican Neanderthal.
Anyone with a® behind their name. I don’t relish living under a radical right-wing dictatorship. Anyone truly undecided should remember that ignorance can be educated and crazy can be medicated but we cannot cure ’’stupid’’. Only your vote can keep stupid and crazy out of office unless your uneducated and vote republican.
Welcome to America, 2025. Brought to you by the trump/MAGA’its and the Criminal Political Party. You can educate ignorance, medicate the crazy, but you can’t cure ’’stupid’’!
That’s a perfect example of the republican’s ideology and how they are planning to insure ‘’Project 2025’’ succeeds, but I didn’t know republicans were collectivists, they always seemed more of the nazi types. But not much difference between nazi’s and communists.
That’s why they take their children to trump rallies, to indoctrinate them in the ways of hate. Children are born innocent and must be taught to hate the ’’others’’ by their parents to insure they too will be losers in life but know how to blame others for their own poor decisions.
Best joke of the day.