CONTEST ALERT! Friends, we’ve hit a new follower milestone, which means it’s time for a Home Free signed print giveaway! Just answer the following question in the replies, and I’ll send a signed print to my personal fav (chosen by extremely unscientific method)— If you were Mr. Reed, where would you hide next?
Friends, we’re extremely close to hitting a new Home Free follower milestone! And you know what that means: a free signed print giveaway! Tell your family & friends & sworn enemies to get on board ;)
To understand Mr. Reed’s reluctance (or shall we say morbid fear) of resuming the Adventurer’s Club, see last school year’s storyline! (Hint: it ended with a possibly poisonous mushroom and a visit by paramedics.)
CONTEST ALERT! Friends, we’ve hit a new follower milestone, which means it’s time for a Home Free signed print giveaway! Just answer the following question in the replies, and I’ll send a signed print to my personal fav (chosen by extremely unscientific method)— If you were Mr. Reed, where would you hide next?